《白痴》系19世纪俄国大文豪陀思妥耶夫斯基的重要作品之一。小说描写19世纪60年代出身贵族的绝色女子娜斯塔霞常年受地主托茨基蹂躏,后托茨基愿出一大笔钱要把她嫁给卑鄙无耻的加尼亚。就在女主人公的生日晚会上,被人们视为白痴的年轻的公爵梅 诗金突然出现,愿无条件娶娜斯塔霞为妻,这使她深受感动。在与公爵即将举行婚礼的那天,娜斯塔霞尽管深爱着公爵,但还是跟花花公子罗果仁跑了,最后遭罗果仁杀害。《白痴》对农奴制度改革后俄国上层社会作了广泛的描绘,涉及复杂的心理和道德问题。善良、宽容的梅诗金公爵无力对周围的人施加影响,也不能为他们造福,这个堂吉诃德式的人物的徒劳努力,表明作者企图以信仰和爱来拯救世界的幻想的破灭。 (The Idiot is an important works composed by Russian famous novelist Dostoevsky in the 19th century. As depicted in the novel, a stunning women named Nastassya Filippovna who was born in 1960s was devastated by aristocrat Totsky. Then Totsky wanted Nastassya to marry indespicable Ganya, who would offer a large fortune. Just at the birthday party of Nastassya, Prince Myshkin showed up and agreed to marry Nastassya for no condition. This has deeply moved Nastassya. On the wedding ceremony day, Nastassya ran with Rogozhin and was finally murdered him. With a major depiction of the Russian upper society after serfdom reform, The Idiot is related with complex psycological and ethical issues. Good and tolerant Myshkin was unable to influence other people and bless them. The futile efforts of quixotic character suggests the disillusionment of the author's attempt to save the world with faith and love. )
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