闵生裕笔下的闵庄是中国城市化背景下的一个即将消逝的村庄的缩影。本书收录了作者近二十年内写给家乡的散文随笔。作者以白描的手法,记录了闵庄的变迁,如今的闵庄是一个没有爱情、没有童话的"留守村庄"。闵庄的即将消逝,是城市化进程的必然。但是,对于作者来说,这是块苦土,更是块乐土。他用自己的笔真实记录了生活在这块土地上生生不息的人们的喜怒哀乐。作者对那个养育了自己的村庄倾注了深情。他的文字有惆怅,有慰藉,有笑也有泪。作者写童年趣事,村庄往事,写闵庄人生老病死,写盐池的风土人情、民风民俗。他笔下的闵庄人物,各具情态。《闵庄烟火》内容生动有趣,语言不避俚俗,作者只想保留点原生态。因为它真实、真情。因为它带着盐池土地味道。闵生裕长期从事杂文创作,他的文字关注社会、关注现实,本书也不例外,作者以实录精神关注了闵庄过去、现在和未来,思考了闵庄父老乡亲的命运,这些似乎也更能引起读者的共鸣。The Minzhuang Village described by Min Shengyu is the miniature of a village that was about to die out in the urbanization movement in China. This book records the essays the author wrote to his hometown over the past twenty years. Using the narration technique, the author recorded the transition in this village. There is no love story or fairy tale in today's left-behind Minzhuang Village.It is an inevitable outcome of the urbanization that Minzhuang is doomed to disappear. However, for the author, it is a land of sorrow, but also a land of happiness. He recorded the joy, anger, sorrow and happiness of local people with his pen. The author has deep feelings on the village he used to live in. His words are sometimes melancholy or comforting to show his happiness or sadness. He wrote the interesting games in his childhood, events in the village in the past, matters such as birth, senility, illness and death of people in Minzhuang Village, as well as local conditions and customs of Yanchi County. Each person in Minzhuang Village in his book is unique. Life in Minzhuang Village is interesting in content and inclusive in language, and has retained the original favor of local life. It records the real life and feelings of local people. It shows the local characteristics of the land of Yanchi County. Min Shengyu has long been engaged in essay writing. His books (including this book) concentrate on society and the reality, in which the author has truthfully recorded the past, the present and the future of Minzhuang and his thoughts about the fate of local people. Those contents are seemingly to arouse the sympathy of the reader.
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